Cooperations at the MUK

Cooperations as instruments of quality assurance

In accordance with external requirements (PrivH-AkkVO) and internal objectives (mission statement, statutes and development plan), cooperations are an important pillar of teaching, research and third mission of the MUK as well as a central instrument of quality assurance.

Compliance Cooperations

The following preamble is included in all cooperation agreements concluded by the MUK (Rectorate decision: 03.05.2022) and is available for download in German and English in the right column:

All institutional collaborations of the MUK take place under the premises of academic freedom, integrity and institutional autonomy.
In its institutional collaborations, the MUK acts in artistic and scholarly practice in broad accordance with its own ideals and values. MUK builds a diverse, intercultural community and promotes a willingness to recognize other identities without thereby introducing structural inequality among people. MUK members respect per-sonal identities without reservation. MUK is strongly committed to the principles of anti-discrimination and equal treatment, the promotion of equality between all genders, and the advancement of women. Cooperation with and at the MUK is based on equal treatment and equality without regard to gender, ethnicity, reli-gion and belief, age, sexual orientation and disability.

Systematisation of the MUK cooperations

In winter semester 2021/22, the Rectorate decided on a new systematisation of the MUK cooperations based on a proposal from the quality team (Rectorate decision: 23.09.2021/TOP 11 b). The new system was communicated and implemented at the quality conference in winter semester 2021/22.

Cooperations at the MUK meet criteria that are listed and explained in the document "Criteria for Cooperations at the MUK". The document is available for download.

Cooperations are recorded cyclically by the quality management of the MUK. A form has been developed for this purpose and is available for download.